17 February 2014
RECS provides public response to CEER green electricity consultation

Sixty-nine organizational responses were delivered to the Council for European Energy Regulators’ (CEER) recent green electricity consultation.  The consultation was released as part of CEERs increased focus on European energy consumers.

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RECS provides public response to CEER green electricity consultation

Sixty-nine organizational responses were delivered to the Council for European Energy Regulators’ (CEER) recent green electricity consultation.  The consultation was released as part of CEERs increased focus on European energy consumers.

14 February 2014
Unique perspective on recent ECJ Court Case

DLA Piper has released a document explaining the recent European Court of Justice (ECJ) court case. 

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05 February 2014
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol workshop on Scope 2 Guidance, hosted by RECS International

Immediately following the RECS Market Meeting in Düsseldorf, Germany on March 18 and 19, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) and RECS International will be hosting a workshop to discuss GHGP’s new Scope 2 Guidance draft.

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04 February 2014
lock RECS International draft commentary to CEER consultation

RECS International members are encouraged to read and respond to RECS International’s response to the CEER consultation.

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29 January 2014
Breaking News: Advocate General Bot gave final opinion on the Aland European court case

Existing national renewable energy support schemes are, in the opinion of the Advocate General, illegal since they are discriminating against foreign production sources.  This final opinion was released yesterday. The European Court of Justice still needs to provide the final ruling before the opinion takes effect.  This final ruling is at least a couple of months away. 

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Breaking News: Advocate General Bot gave final opinion on the Aland European court case

Existing national renewable energy support schemes are, in the opinion of the Advocate General, illegal since they are discriminating against foreign production sources.  This final opinion was released yesterday. The European Court of Justice still needs to provide the final ruling before the opinion takes effect.  This final ruling is at least a couple of months away. 

21 January 2014
lock RECS has E-World tickets for members; requests German speakers

RECS International will again have a booth at E-World on February 11, 12 and 13.  We have an open request for German speaking members to help at the booth for a few hours during this time period.  In addition we have a limited amount of free tickets for entrance to E-World for interested members. 

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lock RECS has E-World tickets for members; requests German speakers

RECS International will again have a booth at E-World on February 11, 12 and 13.  We have an open request for German speaking members to help at the booth for a few hours during this time period.  In addition we have a limited amount of free tickets for entrance to E-World for interested members. 

20 January 2014
Join RECS International at E-World

Join RECS International in Essen, Germany at the E-World energy & water conference February 11, 12 and 13. 

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Join RECS International at E-World

Join RECS International in Essen, Germany at the E-World energy & water conference February 11, 12 and 13. 

09 January 2014
EFET publishes EECS contractual agreement

The European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) published an European Energy Certificate System (EECS) Certificates Master Agreement.   

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EFET publishes EECS contractual agreement

The European Federation of Energy Traders (EFET) published an European Energy Certificate System (EECS) Certificates Master Agreement.   

18 December 2013
CEER opens public consultation on “green” electricity

Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) has opened a public consultation on ‘green’ electricity.  This consultation is open until 7 February 2014. 

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