The RECS International secretariat has created a guide to answering the Greenhouse Gas Protocol's (GHGP) Scope 2 guidance document. The GHGP Scope 2 guidance document will be in public review until April 21st, 2014.
Your source for renewable energy updates
Member guide to Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 public review
RECS International Legal Task Force provides commentary to the State Aid Draft Guidelines
Andreas Gunst, Chariman of the RECS International legal taskforce, has reviewed the recent EEAG draft guidelines. His response is seen in its entirety below:
After a 3-year consultation the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) has released the public consultation document for their Scope 2 accounting guidance document. The draft guidance document will be in public consultation until Monday, April 21st 2014. During the consultation period the GHGP will hold a number of in-person workshops and webinars.
Greenhouse Gas Protocol releases consultation on indirect emission – Scope 2 – carbon accounting guidance
After a 3-year consultation the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) has released the public consultation document for their Scope 2 accounting guidance document. The draft guidance document will be in public consultation until Monday, April 21st 2014. During the consultation period the GHGP will hold a number of in-person workshops and webinars.
The RECS Market Meeting 2014 in Düsseldorf, Germany was a success. On behalf of the RECS International members, conference organizers and conference sponsors we thank all the attendees and speakers for their contributions. Presentations are available to delegates via username and password.
RECS Market Meeting 2014 – Thank You
The RECS Market Meeting 2014 in Düsseldorf, Germany was a success. On behalf of the RECS International members, conference organizers and conference sponsors we thank all the attendees and speakers for their contributions. Presentations are available to delegates via username and password.
Article by Karl Beckman: The end is near for national renewable energy subsidy schemes in the EU
Journalist and contributor for Energy Post, Karel Beckman, wrote an article about recent Advocate-General final opinion in the Alands Vindkraft v. Swedish Energy Agency Court case.
New EECS standardized countries likely in the short-term
It is highly likely that following on the heels of the Czech Republic another 3 to 4 countries will also join the European EECS GO standard in 2014.
RECS provides public response to European Comission
The Directorate-General for Competition prepared a consultation to review the draft guidelines on environmental and energy State Aid 2014-2020.
Sixty-nine organizational responses were delivered to the Council for European Energy Regulators’ (CEER) recent green electricity consultation. The consultation was released as part of CEERs increased focus on European energy consumers.
RECS provides public response to CEER green electricity consultation
Sixty-nine organizational responses were delivered to the Council for European Energy Regulators’ (CEER) recent green electricity consultation. The consultation was released as part of CEERs increased focus on European energy consumers.
Unique perspective on recent ECJ Court Case
DLA Piper has released a document explaining the recent European Court of Justice (ECJ) court case.