Mission statement

At RECS Energy Certificate Association (formerly RECS International) we support the development of both existing and new EAC markets around the world. We engage with a wide range of stakeholders, including governments, market participants, and consumers, and provide the knowledge and information they need to boost consumer demand for renewable energy. RECS works to provide the knowledge, motivation, and confidence needed to buy 100% renewable energy.

Working with our members from Europe and worldwide, we strive to create an open and transparent demand-driven renewable energy market, facilitated by commonly accepted and harmonized tracking systems. RECS engages with legislators, policy-makers, regulators, and system operators to make the case that effective renewable energy markets can help to accelerate the energy transition and, thereby, make an important contribution to tackling climate change.

Having worked since 2001 to improve and simplify the system of tracked energy RECS has unmatched expertise in the issuance, trade, and cancellation of renewable energy certificates – the process that allows consumers to claim the use of a specific volume and type of renewable energy.

The works of RECS

RECS is dedicated to tackling climate change by accelerating the transition to 100% renewable energy systems. We do this by supporting the development of new EAC markets and strengthening those already in place. RECS collaborates with like-minded organisations to achieve these goals.

Supporting our members

We engage with a wide range of stakeholders, including governments, market participants and consumers, and provide the knowledge and information they need to boost consumer demand for renewable energy. RECS works to provide the knowledge, motivation, and confidence needed to buy 100% renewable energy.

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Advocacy work

For over 20 years, RECS’ advocacy has supported both market players and policymakers in the development of efficient and effective renewable energy markets. Our vision is that these markets can help in the fight to tackle climate change and cut emissions by accelerating the switch to renewable energy.

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Working groups

Working groups play a significant role in RECS and tackle the most important issues we address. These groups review draft documents and reports on topics such as regulatory compliance, new technologies (e.g. blockchain), the certification of non-electricity energy carriers, and the development of standard contracts for EAC trading.

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The RECS community

As an organisation led by members who participate in rapidly growing renewable energy markets, RECS works closely with many partners and stakeholders to maintain its position as a thought-leading and expert body on energy attribute tracking. Core tasks of the organization are initiated and carried out by the secretariat, in close cooperation its board and the wider membership.

Members and stakeholders are organised in active working groups, whose participants provide expertise and experience on specific projects. The engaged membership of RECS ensures that we can effectively represent all parts of the renewable energy market value chain.

The RECS Energy Certificate Association Secretariat is based in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, and Brussels, Belgium. The core tasks of RECS are carried out from these offices. As of February 2023, the secretariat includes:

Name Function
Adam White Secretary-General 
Merve Güngör Policy and Network Manager
Katja van Hek Administrative Support
Ingrid Terlouw Bookkeeper
Sandra Langedijk Conference Manager
Erika Srebnicki PR & Comms

The Board represents the interests of the members of RECS Energy Certificate Association (RECS) and leads the organisation. The Board convenes several times a year to discuss the ongoing projects and future work of the organization and to scrutinise the organisations management and financial health. Board members can be nominated from RECS members and act as individuals rather than representatives of their respective organisations. Members are appointed by the Board. Tasks carried out by the Board include:

  • ensuring RECS is organisationally and financially robust
  • commenting and providing feedback on projects and activities carried out by the secretariat
  • disseminating information to their respective networks
  • participating in lobbying activities that support the development of effective and efficient EAC markets
  • voicing specific concerns or questions from members and other stakeholders
  • actively participating in events, meetings, and conferences

The RECS Energy Certificate Association Board consists of:

Name Role Company Country
Thomas Eccard Chairperson Arendals Fossekompani Deutschland Germany
Louis von Moos Board member Association ECS Switzerland
Tom Lindberg Board member Ecohz Norway
Eva Klesse Board member KlimaInvest Germany
Dania Piccioli-Cappelli Board member Nvalue Switzerland
Ivan Debay Board member Origo France
Saptarshi Pal Board member Statkraft Markets B.V. United Kingdom
Marie-Christine Bluett Board member IncubEx Netherlands
Filip Strohwasser Board member CEZ Group Czech Republic
Jared Braslawsky Board member The I-TRACK Foundation Netherlands

Our members make an important and valuable contribution to the RECS community. In turn, they receive support from RECS Energy Certificate Association in a number of ways.

Interested parties can either fill in the application form and send it to secretariat@recs.org or request more information from the join us section of this website. All the benefits of RECS membership can be secured for a modest annual fee. RECS is a not-for-profit foundation and we rely on the support and contributions of our members.

A full list of all our members is available here.

If your organisation is interested in becoming a RECS member, please contact the secretariat at secretariat@recs.org

The AIB is the leading enabler of international EAC systems in Europe and offers a standardized system for using Guarantees of Origin: the European Energy Certificate System (EECS). Members of the AIB are issuing entities within their respective jurisdictional areas (most commonly national boundaries). and they adhere to the EECS standard.

RECS Energy Certificate Association (RECS) works closely with the AIB on strengthening and harmonizing the continuously evolving national EAC systems in the EU and EEA. While RECS and the Association of Issuing Bodies have no formal cooperation and are two individual and separate organizations, there are shared goals when working to implement and develop EECS systems. The AIB and its members aim to implement European energy directives (such as the Renewable Energy Directive, the Internal Market for Energy Directive, and the regulation on the internal market for electricity in a trustworthy, reliable, and cost-effective manner.

RECS and the AIB jointly organize the Open Markets Committee (OMC) once a year, which is open to members of both organizations.

RECS has had a long-term and cooperative relationship with ETE. The role of RECS and ETE are often seen as complimentary with RECS supporting ETE with technical details and aspects related to the use, implementation, and development of EAC markets in Europe and around the world. RECS and ETE often cooperate on the development of standard contracts for EAC trades as well as on legal and taxation matters.

The International Tracking Standard Foundation: Founder of I-REC (I-TRACK Foundation) is committed to ensuring unbiased access to product information and allowing end-users to confidently procure products whose origins are well documented and clearly accounted for, thus empowering energy consumption choices around the world and supporting claims of generation, ownership, and history.

The I-Track Foundation has requirements and global best practices written directly into the International Attribute Tracking Standard. These best practices require all market facilitators to act in a way that is transparent, fair, and equitable to all market players. In this way, each Market Player can be guaranteed the same opportunities as others provided by the Market Facilitator.

The RE100 is a collaborative, global initiative working to massively increase demand for – and delivery of – renewable energy. It brings together influential companies committed to using 100% renewable power. Within the RE100, RECS Energy Certificate Association was a founding member of the Technical Advisor Group on energy attribute tracking, and to date, RECS continues its collaboration with the RE100 in order to ensure that developments within EAC markets are adequately communicated to the RE100.

The RE-Source Platform is a European alliance of stakeholders representing clean energy buyers and suppliers for corporate renewable energy sourcing. This platform pools resources and coordinates activities to promote a better framework for corporate renewable energy sourcing at the EU and national levels. RECS works with the RE-Source Platform on the implementation of EU legislation relating to energy attribute tracking as well as in the mutual support of the two leading annual conferences in this area in the EU – the RE-Source Event and the REC Market Meeting.

The Secretariat

The RECS Energy Certificate Association Secretariat is based in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, and Brussels, Belgium. The core tasks of RECS are carried out from these offices. As of February 2023, the secretariat includes:

Name Function
Adam White Secretary-General 
Merve Güngör Policy and Network Manager
Katja van Hek Administrative Support
Ingrid Terlouw Bookkeeper
Sandra Langedijk Conference Manager
Erika Srebnicki PR & Comms

The Board

The Board represents the interests of the members of RECS Energy Certificate Association (RECS) and leads the organisation. The Board convenes several times a year to discuss the ongoing projects and future work of the organization and to scrutinise the organisations management and financial health. Board members can be nominated from RECS members and act as individuals rather than representatives of their respective organisations. Members are appointed by the Board. Tasks carried out by the Board include:

  • ensuring RECS is organisationally and financially robust
  • commenting and providing feedback on projects and activities carried out by the secretariat
  • disseminating information to their respective networks
  • participating in lobbying activities that support the development of effective and efficient EAC markets
  • voicing specific concerns or questions from members and other stakeholders
  • actively participating in events, meetings, and conferences

The RECS Energy Certificate Association Board consists of:

Name Role Company Country
Thomas Eccard Chairperson Arendals Fossekompani Deutschland Germany
Louis von Moos Board member Association ECS Switzerland
Tom Lindberg Board member Ecohz Norway
Eva Klesse Board member KlimaInvest Germany
Dania Piccioli-Cappelli Board member Nvalue Switzerland
Ivan Debay Board member Origo France
Saptarshi Pal Board member Statkraft Markets B.V. United Kingdom
Marie-Christine Bluett Board member IncubEx Netherlands
Filip Strohwasser Board member CEZ Group Czech Republic
Jared Braslawsky Board member The I-TRACK Foundation Netherlands

RECS Members

Our members make an important and valuable contribution to the RECS community. In turn, they receive support from RECS Energy Certificate Association in a number of ways.

Interested parties can either fill in the application form and send it to secretariat@recs.org or request more information from the join us section of this website. All the benefits of RECS membership can be secured for a modest annual fee. RECS is a not-for-profit foundation and we rely on the support and contributions of our members.

A full list of all our members is available here.

If your organisation is interested in becoming a RECS member, please contact the secretariat at secretariat@recs.org

The Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB)

The AIB is the leading enabler of international EAC systems in Europe and offers a standardized system for using Guarantees of Origin: the European Energy Certificate System (EECS). Members of the AIB are issuing entities within their respective jurisdictional areas (most commonly national boundaries). and they adhere to the EECS standard.

RECS Energy Certificate Association (RECS) works closely with the AIB on strengthening and harmonizing the continuously evolving national EAC systems in the EU and EEA. While RECS and the Association of Issuing Bodies have no formal cooperation and are two individual and separate organizations, there are shared goals when working to implement and develop EECS systems. The AIB and its members aim to implement European energy directives (such as the Renewable Energy Directive, the Internal Market for Energy Directive, and the regulation on the internal market for electricity in a trustworthy, reliable, and cost-effective manner.

RECS and the AIB jointly organize the Open Markets Committee (OMC) once a year, which is open to members of both organizations.

Energy Traders Europe (ETE)

RECS has had a long-term and cooperative relationship with ETE. The role of RECS and ETE are often seen as complimentary with RECS supporting ETE with technical details and aspects related to the use, implementation, and development of EAC markets in Europe and around the world. RECS and ETE often cooperate on the development of standard contracts for EAC trades as well as on legal and taxation matters.

The International Tracking Standard Foundation: Founder of I-REC

The International Tracking Standard Foundation: Founder of I-REC (I-TRACK Foundation) is committed to ensuring unbiased access to product information and allowing end-users to confidently procure products whose origins are well documented and clearly accounted for, thus empowering energy consumption choices around the world and supporting claims of generation, ownership, and history.

The I-Track Foundation has requirements and global best practices written directly into the International Attribute Tracking Standard. These best practices require all market facilitators to act in a way that is transparent, fair, and equitable to all market players. In this way, each Market Player can be guaranteed the same opportunities as others provided by the Market Facilitator.


The RE100 is a collaborative, global initiative working to massively increase demand for – and delivery of – renewable energy. It brings together influential companies committed to using 100% renewable power. Within the RE100, RECS Energy Certificate Association was a founding member of the Technical Advisor Group on energy attribute tracking, and to date, RECS continues its collaboration with the RE100 in order to ensure that developments within EAC markets are adequately communicated to the RE100.

RE-Source Platform

The RE-Source Platform is a European alliance of stakeholders representing clean energy buyers and suppliers for corporate renewable energy sourcing. This platform pools resources and coordinates activities to promote a better framework for corporate renewable energy sourcing at the EU and national levels. RECS works with the RE-Source Platform on the implementation of EU legislation relating to energy attribute tracking as well as in the mutual support of the two leading annual conferences in this area in the EU – the RE-Source Event and the REC Market Meeting.


RECS organises several events each year to share our knowledge and expertise with our members and other stakeholders. These events include:

The REC Market Meeting

This annual event brings together market players, policymakers, regulators, and system operators to showcase the latest developments in renewable energy markets. The REC Market Meeting is the only global expert of its type – focusing on how consumer demand for renewable electricity can be met around the globe. Visit www.recmarket.eu for the latest information on the next REC Market Meeting.

WHEN: 25 April 2023
REC Market Meeting 2023 – Amsterdam
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The Open Markets Committee (OMC)

The OMC is organized annually by the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) in cooperation with RECS. This event brings together representatives from European Issuing Bodies (GO issuers) and members of RECS and provides them with the opportunity to get up to date with the latest news on regulatory and systemic developments in the market for Guarantees of Origin.

WHEN: 01 December 2022
Open Markets Committee (OMC) – Brussels
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To view other events organized by RECS and their community, check the events page.

Working for RECS

The work of RECS takes place in a highly dynamic and fast-developing renewable energy market. We have a small secretariat and can offer the following ways of becoming more involved with our work.

See our open positions and student placements