08 April 2021
RECS International features in Montel Energy Transition Weekly magazine on 24/7 matching

In the last week of March, the RECS International Director, Adam White, spoke with Montel, an information provider for the European energy markets, on the matter of 24/7 matching of energy production and consumption.

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08 April 2021
German industry federation calls for equality in GO qualification

The German economy and energy ministry is currently considering a change in legislation for the qualification for Guarantees of Origin (GOs) for renewable sites receiving premiums or feed-in tariffs (FiT) under the German renewable energy law (EEG).

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German industry federation calls for equality in GO qualification

The German economy and energy ministry is currently considering a change in legislation for the qualification for Guarantees of Origin (GOs) for renewable sites receiving premiums or feed-in tariffs (FiT) under the German renewable energy law (EEG).

02 March 2021
Update on monthly disclosure in France

As of the 1st of January 2021, an update to the French Energy Code introducing monthly disclosure periods is in force. The relevant piece of law (L’Article R314-66 du Code de l’Energie) is included below. RECS International’s unofficial translation of this law is also included.  

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Update on monthly disclosure in France

As of the 1st of January 2021, an update to the French Energy Code introducing monthly disclosure periods is in force. The relevant piece of law (L’Article R314-66 du Code de l’Energie) is included below. RECS International’s unofficial translation of this law is also included.  

02 March 2021
REC Market Meeting updates

From our REC Market Meeting newsletter:

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02 March 2021
Florence School of Regulation work on GOs

The Florence School of Regulation, a centre of excellence working to improve the quality of European regulation and policy, has published the report “Upgrading Guarantees of Origin to Promote the Achievement of the EU Renewable Energy Target at Least Cost”.

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Florence School of Regulation work on GOs

The Florence School of Regulation, a centre of excellence working to improve the quality of European regulation and policy, has published the report “Upgrading Guarantees of Origin to Promote the Achievement of the EU Renewable Energy Target at Least Cost”.

02 February 2021
RECS International publishes a document on how time-stamping works in EAC markets

Some end-users, particularly those with flexible demand and access to storage, are seeking to develop ways to show that they consumed renewable electricity at the same time as such electricity was being generated. RECS International provides its view in a new policy paper.

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02 February 2021
An introduction to buying renewable electricity

RECS International publishes a document which introduces different ways of buying renewable electricity.

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01 February 2021
New EECS GO Trade Agreement and Guidance document available

The RECS International EECS GO Trade Agreement For Single or Multiple Deliveries is an update of the standard trade contract it replaces.

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28 January 2021
RECS International welcomes new member: QuiEstVert

RECS International is pleased to welcome a new member from France: QuiEstVert.

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