07 October 2021

RECS International publishes new paper: Selling renewable energy attributes into Europe

RECS International has published a paper on the issues facing when renewable energy attributes are sold into Europe.

The paper identifies three key market and regulatory barriers to the sale of renewable electricity attributes:

  1. EU law (Article 19.11 of the RED-2 (EU2018/2001) on the mutual recognition of EACs between the EU and 3rd countries;
  2. Voluntary corporate reporting standards do not accept renewable energy attributes bought outside of the market boundaries they define for the European market for consumption within that market. This reflects their definition of good practice of keeping production and consumption in the same markets;
  3. The supply and demand dynamics of the Europe’s renewable energy markets

Rather than investing significant time and energy in seeking to overcome these barriers, this paper suggests that countries on the edges and outside of Europe focus instead on encouraging renewable energy consumption in their own market.

The document can be downloaded below.
