On 13 and 14 March RECS International held its 8th edition of the yearly REC Market Meeting in Amsterdam. The conference was attended by more than 320 delegates from many parts of the world.
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REC Market Meeting 2018 huge success
REC Market Meeting 2018 presentations
Members of RECS International who were unable to attend the REC Market Meeting can view the presentations with the password below.
As energy attribute certificate markets are maturing, market players are now shifting their focus from tracking the origin of electricity to tracking other energy sources. The CertifHy project, undertaken by a consortium led by HINICIO, is bringing together a large group of stakeholders to jointly develop a GO scheme for hydrogen.
CertifHy: a GO for hydrogen open for stakeholder consultation
As energy attribute certificate markets are maturing, market players are now shifting their focus from tracking the origin of electricity to tracking other energy sources. The CertifHy project, undertaken by a consortium led by HINICIO, is bringing together a large group of stakeholders to jointly develop a GO scheme for hydrogen.
European notice to stakeholders on withdrawal of UK and effect on GO
The European Commission has published a “Notice to Stakeholders” regarding the “Withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules in the field of Guarantees of Origin of electricity from renewable energy sources”.
REC Market Meeting 2018 in just under a week
On Tuesday 13 March 2018 the REC Market Meeting will open its doors in Amsterdam at the Krasnapolsky hotel.
Nine organizations sign joint statement on Guarantee of Origin and REDII
RECS International has co-signed a joint statement to draw attention towards several crucial articles on the use and implementation of the Guarantee of Origin.
The I-REC Standard has announced an Advisory Group meeting on March 14, 2018 from 15:00 - 16:00 at the Krasnapolsky Hotel in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The Advisory Group meeting will take place after the REC Market Meeting conference. To learn more go to the I-REC Standard news item here.
I-REC Standard announces Advisory Group meeting on March 14, Amsterdam
The I-REC Standard has announced an Advisory Group meeting on March 14, 2018 from 15:00 - 16:00 at the Krasnapolsky Hotel in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The Advisory Group meeting will take place after the REC Market Meeting conference. To learn more go to the I-REC Standard news item here.
RECS International releases the Renewables Good Practice
RECS International is pleased to release the Renewables Good Practice (ReGP).
RECS International welcomes a new member
RECS International is pleased to welcome a new member: Gaia Environment from Singapore.