on 7 October 2022 RECS will be speaking at the RE-Source conference at the Okura hotel in Amsterdam.
Your source for renewable energy updates
RECS speaking at RE-Source on 7 October 2022
The I-REC Standard Conference (ISC) is organized under the auspices of the International REC Standard Foundation, an internationally recognized body which facilitates standardized REC schemes around the world. The ISC ...
RECS is speaking at the I-REC Standard Conference in Bangkok 1-2 November
The I-REC Standard Conference (ISC) is organized under the auspices of the International REC Standard Foundation, an internationally recognized body which facilitates standardized REC schemes around the world. The ISC ...
Dutch GO Day: registration is now open
On 8 September RECS and CertiQ (the Dutch Issuing Body of GOs) are organizing the second edition of the Dutch GO Day.
RECS welcomes a new member: Carbon Rooster
RECS is pleased to welcome a new member: Carbon Rooster from the Netherlands.
RECS welcomes a new member: Climate Impact Partners
RECS is excited to welcome a new member: Climate Impact Partners.
Webinar recording and presentation available “Supply & demand”
On 20 June the RECS Secretariat held a webinar on the supply and demand of certified European renewable electricity and selling EACs into Europe.
RECS responds to EC Delegated Act on RNFBOs
On 20 May 2022 the European Commission published the draft Delegated Act on RFNBOs. RECS has reviewed the DA and provided a response.
Webinar recording and presentation available “Full consumption disclosure”
On 14 June RECS held a webinar on full consumption disclosure and advocacy on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED-3).
Secretariat availability over the summer
The secretariat of RECS will be on a lower capacity over the summer, as we will be taking our holiday breaks. It may therefore take a little longer than usual ...