18 December 2013
RECS International wishes everyone a happy new year


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17 December 2013
lock RECS International becomes a Dutch foundation

RECS International has changed its legal status from a Belgian Association to a Dutch Foundation.  This is in line with decisions taken by the board of RECS International over the last year and a half.  The relationship between RECS International and its members remains unchanged, this also goes for the functions and guiding mission of the RECS International Secretariat.

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lock RECS International becomes a Dutch foundation

RECS International has changed its legal status from a Belgian Association to a Dutch Foundation.  This is in line with decisions taken by the board of RECS International over the last year and a half.  The relationship between RECS International and its members remains unchanged, this also goes for the functions and guiding mission of the RECS International Secretariat.

09 December 2013
UBA’s cancelation functionality live

RECS International learned today that the cancelation functionality is now available on the UBA’s HKNR (Herkunftsnachweisregister).

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UBA’s cancelation functionality live

RECS International learned today that the cancelation functionality is now available on the UBA’s HKNR (Herkunftsnachweisregister).

06 December 2013
AIB approves Czech Republic GOs with preconditions; future removal from the hub remains possible

During the AIB general meeting the Domain Protocol for the Czech Republic was approved. The Czech Republic will not be eligible for export until approved disclosure regulation is in place. 

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26 November 2013
Developments in the Polish GO system

After a recent seminar in Wroclaw, Poland it is still unclear what the Polish GO system will look like exactly. It is clear though that the Polish regulator (ERO) is the responsible issuing body and that the GO registry will be operated by the Polish Power Exchange (TGE).

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Developments in the Polish GO system

After a recent seminar in Wroclaw, Poland it is still unclear what the Polish GO system will look like exactly. It is clear though that the Polish regulator (ERO) is the responsible issuing body and that the GO registry will be operated by the Polish Power Exchange (TGE).

19 November 2013
20-year RECs deal in US; 10-year GO deal in Europe

The US-based company, Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) has signed a 20-year REC deal with a 75MW installed capacity wind farm in Nebraska (USA).

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19 November 2013
EU Commission requests more market-based support for renewables

The European Commission recently published a working document titled, “Guidance on the use of renewable energy cooperation mechanisms” as part of a broader publication on “Guidance to Member States on state intervention in electricity markets”.  There is a focus in the document of promoting more Europe-wide support systems and improving cooperation mechanisms.  There was also mention of the need to increase cost-efficiency.

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EU Commission requests more market-based support for renewables

The European Commission recently published a working document titled, “Guidance on the use of renewable energy cooperation mechanisms” as part of a broader publication on “Guidance to Member States on state intervention in electricity markets”.  There is a focus in the document of promoting more Europe-wide support systems and improving cooperation mechanisms.  There was also mention of the need to increase cost-efficiency.

05 November 2013
lock RECS International – Annual evaluation

With 2013 coming soon to a close the secretariat of RECS International would like to get your input into the successes and short comings of our work over the last year.   

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lock RECS International – Annual evaluation

With 2013 coming soon to a close the secretariat of RECS International would like to get your input into the successes and short comings of our work over the last year.   

10 October 2013
Seminar “The guarantees of origin system in Poland”

Western Energy Consulting in Wroclaw, Poland is organizing the seminar "The Guarantees of Origin system in Poland" in the Radisson Blu hotel in Wroclaw on 14 November 2013. For more information go to the website :  

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Seminar “The guarantees of origin system in Poland”

Western Energy Consulting in Wroclaw, Poland is organizing the seminar "The Guarantees of Origin system in Poland" in the Radisson Blu hotel in Wroclaw on 14 November 2013. For more information go to the website :