The Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) has published European residual mix figures for 2015.
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AIB publishes 2015 European residual mixes
RECS International release their annual report 2015
RECS International released their 2015 annual report.
In the Norwegian Aftenbladet newspaper local RECS International members have joined forces to combat recent statements from the Minister of Petroleum and Energy. This comes less than a week after the press release from RECS International on the same topic.
Norwegian RECS International members release joint statement
In the Norwegian Aftenbladet newspaper local RECS International members have joined forces to combat recent statements from the Minister of Petroleum and Energy. This comes less than a week after the press release from RECS International on the same topic.
In preparation for 2020 DG Energy released a consultation for the second Renewable Energy Directive (REDII) late last year. The first results from the consultation document have been released and are available online for public review.
DG Energy release initial results from REDII consultation
In preparation for 2020 DG Energy released a consultation for the second Renewable Energy Directive (REDII) late last year. The first results from the consultation document have been released and are available online for public review.
RECS International published a press release emphasizing the importance of the consumer-driven market for renewable electricity in Norway and around Europe. Recent developments in Norway have shown us that more information about these systems is needed and that stakeholders must increase dialogue over these issues both on national and international levels.
Press release: Norway is placing the consumer-driven market for renewable electricity under threat
RECS International published a press release emphasizing the importance of the consumer-driven market for renewable electricity in Norway and around Europe. Recent developments in Norway have shown us that more information about these systems is needed and that stakeholders must increase dialogue over these issues both on national and international levels.
Those familiar with the recent Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance document will know that the creation of residual mix calculations are important for the integrity of emissions accounting and renewable electricity markets more generally.
Green-e publishes residual mix calculations for US and Canada
Those familiar with the recent Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Guidance document will know that the creation of residual mix calculations are important for the integrity of emissions accounting and renewable electricity markets more generally.
Q1 2016 EECS-GO statistics available in new format
The Association of Issuing Bodies has revised the way in which they display the statistics of EECS-GO countries. The new method of statistics will show a monthly summary by technology group per country.
Initial data released for 2015 statistical analysis work
Members are invited to take a quick look at some of the statistical analysis work for the 2015 trading of GOs.
RECS International considering an Oslo workshop, explaining the GO system
RECS International is considering to organize a workshop in Oslo and is looking for input from members.