02 May 2016
lock Initial data released for 2015 statistical analysis work

Members are invited to take a quick look at some of the statistical analysis work for the 2015 trading of GOs. 

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29 April 2016
OFGEM provides clarifications on the consumption of overseas electricity

OFGEM published their decision on proof of UK consumption of overseas electricity following their consultation from 12 January 2016. Following the release of the document on 19 April 2016 OFGEM published a clarification on 28 April 2016 for 2015/2016 GOs and implicit trading.

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OFGEM provides clarifications on the consumption of overseas electricity

OFGEM published their decision on proof of UK consumption of overseas electricity following their consultation from 12 January 2016. Following the release of the document on 19 April 2016 OFGEM published a clarification on 28 April 2016 for 2015/2016 GOs and implicit trading.

07 April 2016
U.S. Renewables Portfolio Standards 2016 annual report published by LBNL

The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has released their annual report describing the status of U.S. renewable portfolio standards.

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30 March 2016
AIB changes HUB provider, promise new statistics

Unicorn Systems launched the new registry HUB application for the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) during the weekend of March 5/6. With this milestone it means the transition from the old Atos system is now complete.

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AIB changes HUB provider, promise new statistics

Unicorn Systems launched the new registry HUB application for the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) during the weekend of March 5/6. With this milestone it means the transition from the old Atos system is now complete.

14 March 2016
Thank you! The RECs Market Meeting 2016 was a huge success

Thank you to everyone who participated in the RECs Market Meeting 2016. It is because of you that the event this year was such a success.

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14 March 2016
Spain and Germany become AIB member, Spain joins EECS

The Spanish regulatory authority and official GO issuing body, CNMC, has become an AIB member and is now adherent to the EECS Standard. The German competent body for GOs, UBA, has been adherent to the EECS Standard since 2014 and has recently decided to become an AIB member.

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Spain and Germany become AIB member, Spain joins EECS

The Spanish regulatory authority and official GO issuing body, CNMC, has become an AIB member and is now adherent to the EECS Standard. The German competent body for GOs, UBA, has been adherent to the EECS Standard since 2014 and has recently decided to become an AIB member.

14 March 2016
RECS International appoints new Secretary-General, Peter is thanked

On March 7, 2016 Peter Niermeijer resigned as Secretary-General of RECS International. The former Deputy Secretary-General, Jared Braslawsky, was appointed to the position.

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10 March 2016
Green-e developing international renewable energy certificate program and standard

Green-e, a program of the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions (CRS), has been working in the field of renewable energy certification and verification for nearly 20 years. Green-e’s primary focus has been to support transparent renewables purchasing for North American consumers. In an effort to expand access to consistent, credible, and impactful purchasing options throughout the world Green-e is working to develop the Green-e Energy International Standard.

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Green-e developing international renewable energy certificate program and standard

Green-e, a program of the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions (CRS), has been working in the field of renewable energy certification and verification for nearly 20 years. Green-e’s primary focus has been to support transparent renewables purchasing for North American consumers. In an effort to expand access to consistent, credible, and impactful purchasing options throughout the world Green-e is working to develop the Green-e Energy International Standard.

04 March 2016
CDP mentions RECs Market Meeting and RECS International in new post

The blog post, "Taking corporate renewable energy use to the next level" focuses primarily on the interaction of corporate reporting, CDP and the activities of the RE100 Techincal Advisory Group. RECS International has been an active participant on the RE100 Technical Advisory Group since its inception in 2014. Together with the other Advisory Group members RECS International intends to set clear guidelines for the procurement of renewable energy by RE100 corporate companies.

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CDP mentions RECs Market Meeting and RECS International in new post

The blog post, "Taking corporate renewable energy use to the next level" focuses primarily on the interaction of corporate reporting, CDP and the activities of the RE100 Techincal Advisory Group. RECS International has been an active participant on the RE100 Technical Advisory Group since its inception in 2014. Together with the other Advisory Group members RECS International intends to set clear guidelines for the procurement of renewable energy by RE100 corporate companies.