Earlier this year an error in the French translation of the RED-2 Article 19 on Guarantees of Origin was detected by a member of the RECS International board.
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Correction of REDII translations
RECS International is pleased to share with you an updated programme for the REC Market Meeting. This year’s conference is set to be better than ever, with many expert speakers and the latest updates on renewable energy markets from around the globe. Further more the event provides great networking opportunities.
REC Market Meeting updated programme available
RECS International is pleased to share with you an updated programme for the REC Market Meeting. This year’s conference is set to be better than ever, with many expert speakers and the latest updates on renewable energy markets from around the globe. Further more the event provides great networking opportunities.
CertiQ recognises GOs from Great Britain
The Dutch GO issuer CertiQ will comply with a ruling from the provisional relief court of the Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal in the Netherlands requiring it to recognise GOs from the United Kingdom.
Implementation Full Disclosure in the Netherlands postponed to 2020
In 2018 the Netherlands adopted an amendment for the implementation of Full Disclosure. For a number of reasons, the implementation of Full Disclosure will now be postponed to the 1st of January 2020.
ILR has opened auctioning platform
The Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation (ILR) started in January 2019 the periodic auction of guarantees of origin (EECS RES GOs) for electricity produced in Luxembourg from renewable energy sources.
REC Market Meeting update
The secretariat is pleased to share an updated programme with you for the REC Market Meeting in 2019.
The recast of the Renewable Energy Directive (COM/2016/0767 final) at EU level has been agreed by the EU legislative institutions (Commission, Council and Parliament) and is expected to enter the Official Journal, and thereby become EU law, shortly. Within this Directive, Article 19 legislates on Guarantees of Origin and makes a number of important changes over its predecessor – Article 15 of the current Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC).
REDII Comparison sheet
The recast of the Renewable Energy Directive (COM/2016/0767 final) at EU level has been agreed by the EU legislative institutions (Commission, Council and Parliament) and is expected to enter the Official Journal, and thereby become EU law, shortly. Within this Directive, Article 19 legislates on Guarantees of Origin and makes a number of important changes over its predecessor – Article 15 of the current Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC).
Request for review of EFET draft Corporate standardized PPA agreement
EFET has requested RECS International members to review the corporate standardized PPA agreement and EFET-EECS contractual documentation.
On November 14 RECS International and CertiQ – the Dutch Issuing Body for Guarantees of Origin – jointly organised the Dutch GO Day in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. The event focused on the GO system both in the Netherlands and in Europe more broadly. Over 60 delegates attended the event, from various parts in the renewables industry, and engaged in lively discussions on regulatory and other aspects of the Guarantee of Origin system.
Presentations Dutch GO Day
On November 14 RECS International and CertiQ – the Dutch Issuing Body for Guarantees of Origin – jointly organised the Dutch GO Day in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. The event focused on the GO system both in the Netherlands and in Europe more broadly. Over 60 delegates attended the event, from various parts in the renewables industry, and engaged in lively discussions on regulatory and other aspects of the Guarantee of Origin system.