RECS International is pleased to welcome a new member: Aither Group from Switzerland.
Your source for renewable energy updates
RECS International welcomes new member: Aither Group
RED3 advocacy briefing for legislators
RECS International has created a briefing for legislators: “Guarantees of origin in the Fit for 55 package, accelerating the energy transition by growing consumer demand for renewable energy”.
Discount for new French members
RECS International is offering a discount to companies joining the foundation from France.
New document: The supply & demand of certified European renewable electricity
RECS international published a new document on the supply and demand of certified European renewable electricity.
Adam White has been appointed as the Secretary General of RECS International. Adam will take over as the public face of RECS International from Jared Braslawsky, the outgoing Secretary General, who will retain an important position within the organisation in the new role of Operational Manager.
New Leadership for RECS International
Adam White has been appointed as the Secretary General of RECS International. Adam will take over as the public face of RECS International from Jared Braslawsky, the outgoing Secretary General, who will retain an important position within the organisation in the new role of Operational Manager.
Swiss and UK GOs no longer eligible for export to the EU
With the end of the Renewable Energy Directive ((EU) 2018/2001) implementation period on 1 July 2021, the RED-2 is now fully applicable in the European Internal Market.
EECS GO Standard Contract V2.2 published
RECS International has published the updated version of the Standard Contract for EECS GOs.
Standard Trade Agreement Word Version
The Word version of the EECS GO Standard Trade Agreement can downloaded below: EECS GO Standard contract_V2_2 Word Doc
REC Market Meeting newsletter published
Last week the REC Market Meeting newsletter was published. If you missed it, you can find the newsletter here. If you would like to stay up to date on the ...