RECS is very pleased to welcome a new member: EKOenergy.
Your source for renewable energy updates
RECS welcomes a new member: EKOenergy
RECS Annual Report 2021 available
The RECS Annual Report 2021 is now available.
Registration for the REC Market Meeting 2023 is open
RECS is excited to be organizing the 11th edition of the REC Market Meeting on 25 and 26 April 2023. Registration for the conference is now open.
RECS is working with the I-REC Standard Foundation and DLA Piper to draft a standard contract for trading I-REC certificates, based on the RECS standard contract for EECS-GOs. RECS Members are now the first stakeholders we are inviting to provide feedback for the draft version.
I-REC standard contract – RECS member stakeholder review
RECS is working with the I-REC Standard Foundation and DLA Piper to draft a standard contract for trading I-REC certificates, based on the RECS standard contract for EECS-GOs. RECS Members are now the first stakeholders we are inviting to provide feedback for the draft version.
Presentations Dutch GO Day available
On 8 September the second edition of the Dutch GO Day took place in Amsterdam. The one-day event was organized by RECS, in collaboration with CertiQ – the Dutch issuing ...
In addition to the legal and regulatory frameworks for energy attributes certificates (EACs) in different jurisdictions, voluntary standards and norms are crucial to maintaining efficient and effective renewable energy markets. ...
RECS engaging with GHG Protocol and ISO developments
In addition to the legal and regulatory frameworks for energy attributes certificates (EACs) in different jurisdictions, voluntary standards and norms are crucial to maintaining efficient and effective renewable energy markets. ...
RECS welcomes a new member: CEBI
RECS is pleased to welcome a new member: the Clean Energy Buyers Institute.
The three EU institutions of the Commission, Council, and Parliament have now adopted their positions on the review of the Renewable Energy Directive. The EU institutions adopted the current directive (RED-2) in 2018, and is being reviewed to ensure all elements are in line with new, higher EU targets for cutting emissions by 2030 and 2050.
RED3 updates relating to guarantees of origin
The three EU institutions of the Commission, Council, and Parliament have now adopted their positions on the review of the Renewable Energy Directive. The EU institutions adopted the current directive (RED-2) in 2018, and is being reviewed to ensure all elements are in line with new, higher EU targets for cutting emissions by 2030 and 2050.
In July 2022, the UK Government announced its decisions relating to its review of the Feed in Tariff (FIT) and Contracts for Difference (CfD) schemes’ cost exemptions for green imported electricity and timings on the removal of UK recognition of EU Guarantees of Origin (GOs).
UK conclusion on exemption scheme for green imported electricity
In July 2022, the UK Government announced its decisions relating to its review of the Feed in Tariff (FIT) and Contracts for Difference (CfD) schemes’ cost exemptions for green imported electricity and timings on the removal of UK recognition of EU Guarantees of Origin (GOs).