20 October 2018

Dutch GO Day 14 November: register now!

Guarantee of Origin (GO) markets throughout Europe are evolving rapidly, showing the importance of demand signals for the deployment of renewable energy. Although centrally regulated by the EU Renewable Energy Directive, GO markets throughout Europe differ in terms of prices, volumes and regulations. The Dutch GO Day is highlighting the most important developments in Europe and is taking a particular look at the GO market in the Netherlands.

This one-day  seminar will discuss the following topics:

  • an introduction to energy attribute certificate (EAC) markets in general and its role in and value for providing consumer choice
  • the importance of standardization and harmonization of EAC markets
  • current status of European GO systems
  • the role of reporting standards such as the RE100, CDP and Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 guidance document
  • the influence of the current Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and upcoming RED II on GO markets
  • trends of volumes and prices of European GO markets and the Dutch market
  • examining contracts and procurement strategies of large buyers
  • disclosure and role of regulation for disclosure

The event will take place on November 14th from 10:00 – 15:00 at the offices of Essent located at Willemsplein 4, in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. The seminar is free for members of RECS International, non-members will be requested to pay 20,- EUR. Entry will be restricted to two people per company.

Registration is now possible via this link. A preliminary agenda is available here, a detailed agenda will follow.