23 May 2022

Full consumption disclosure RECS advocacy in the European Parliament

The European Parliament and European Council are developing their positions on the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED-3).

In the European Parliament, the Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) will lead this work, with input from other committees. Several MEPs, from a range of political parties, have tabled amendments to the European Commission’s proposal that are in line with RECS’ advocacy on Full Consumption disclosure. RECS will make the case for these amendments being supported by the whole committee when the text is voted on the 13th of July.

The Secretariat will then also support the development of supportive amendments to the final text, which will be voted on by the European Parliament in Plenary in September 2022.

For more information, see the recent RECS publications. RECS members can join the member webinar on this topic on the 14th of June.