21 February 2022

RECS welcomes a new member: AET

RECS International is pleased to welcome a new member aboard the RECS community: AET from Switzerland.

Azienda elettrica ticinese (AET) is a Cantonal body established under public law in 1958 which aims to produce, transport and trade electricity in Switzerland and abroad.

In accordance with its corporate mandate, AET shall contribute to the implementation and the coordination of the choices of the cantonal energy policy.

AET exploits over a third of the Canton’s hydroelectric production and is electricity wholesaler in Ticino to distributors and large companies. It also participates in energy production companies and consortia in Switzerland and abroad. AET active participates on the leading European electricity exchanges.

You can find more details about AET on the AET RECS member page.


We are thankful for the support of AET and look forward to our collaboration in the years to come.