16 March 2018

REC Market Meeting 2018 huge success

On 13 and 14 March RECS International held its 8th edition of the yearly REC Market Meeting in Amsterdam. The conference was attended by more than 320 delegates from many parts of the world.

The REC Market Meeting is a unique conference, taking an exclusive focus on the consumer side of the renewable energy markets. The central theme to this conference, in line with the work of RECS International, is the reliability of energy attribute tracking systems, standardization and the position of consumers in these markets. This year several additional topics were highlighted, such as:

  • certificate markets for gas, heat and hydro
  • energy attribute tracking systems in fragile regions in the world
  • development of EAC markets in Asia
  • blockchain developments in renewable energy markets

The full programme can be viewed here.

The conference was sponsored by ECOHZ, Statkraft and other sponsors.

Members of RECS International can access the presentations by following this link.


See more photos here

(photos by Marijn de Wijs)