Presentation by Dominik Seebach at the AIB General Meeting in Milan on 6-7 December 2012 in particular regarding the relation between the EECS registry with Öko-Institut as IB and the new RES-GO registry at Umweltbundesamt (UBA) in 2013.
Your source for renewable energy updates
Outlook of the German GO System
On December 6th, 2012 a GSE representative presented at the RECS International GO Trading Seminar that the Italian GO will join the AIB-hub by the middle of 2013. This makes the Italian GO an EECS-GO.
Italian market brings in EECS-GO – ‘Naturally’ Phases out Co-fer and RECS certificates
On December 6th, 2012 a GSE representative presented at the RECS International GO Trading Seminar that the Italian GO will join the AIB-hub by the middle of 2013. This makes the Italian GO an EECS-GO.
European Council urges EU fuel-mix cohesion
The Council of the European Union released a statement yesterday regarding a council meeting on Transport, Telecommunications and Energy.
German GO registry is open for plant registration
The Germany Guarantee of Origin (GO) registry‚ Herkunftsnachweisregister (HKNR), is now open and accepting the registration of plant operators.
Report from the 18th annual SETAC LCA conference
A number of presentations at the 18th annual Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) took place this week Monday the 26th of November.
In order to eliminate the double counting of renewable attributes being traded via Norwegian Guarantee of Origin (GO) certificates, the NVE, or the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, has made some changes to the calculation of their Residual Mix.
Norway announces change in Residual Mix
In order to eliminate the double counting of renewable attributes being traded via Norwegian Guarantee of Origin (GO) certificates, the NVE, or the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, has made some changes to the calculation of their Residual Mix.
European Commission working on product environmental footprint guide
The commission has released a document describing the draft, final methodology for the calculation of a Product Environmental Footprint (PEF).
CertiQ, the appointed issuing body for the Netherlands, has changed some rules regarding the Guarantee of Origin (GO). Most notably the automatic cancelation of a GO will take place 1-year following the production of the electricity and not 1-year following the issuance of the certificate.
Dutch Issuing Body changes certificate cancelation Rules
CertiQ, the appointed issuing body for the Netherlands, has changed some rules regarding the Guarantee of Origin (GO). Most notably the automatic cancelation of a GO will take place 1-year following the production of the electricity and not 1-year following the issuance of the certificate.
RECS International has gone live today with their new website. This website is intended to increase the awareness of energy tracking systems with both consumers and policy makers. A result of these energy tracking systems are green electricity products and the (inter-)national mechanisms in place to protect the consumer's choice for these products. These two topics are becoming increasingly important and for this reason RECS International hopes to highlight them with the new website.
RECS International goes live with a new website
RECS International has gone live today with their new website. This website is intended to increase the awareness of energy tracking systems with both consumers and policy makers. A result of these energy tracking systems are green electricity products and the (inter-)national mechanisms in place to protect the consumer's choice for these products. These two topics are becoming increasingly important and for this reason RECS International hopes to highlight them with the new website.