RECS is pleased to welcome Pact Capital AG as a new member. Pact Capital introduces itself: Pact Capital AG – based in Geneva, Switzerland – is a project developer company ...
Your source for renewable energy updates
NEW RECS Member: We welcome Pact Capital AG
NEW RECS Member: We welcome Enmacc
RECS is pleased to welcome Enmacc as a new member. Enmacc introduces itself: Enmacc is Europe’s largest over-the-counter trading platform for energy and environmental commodities. Our cutting-edge platform digitalises the ...
NEW RECS Member: We welcome Renewabl
RECS is pleased to welcome Renewabl as a new member. Renewabl introduces itself: In times when companies strive to showcase their genuine efforts in reducing carbon footprints, promoting renewable energy, ...
WRI is hiring additional expertise to update the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Scope 2 Standards
The Scope 2 Senior Associate will help manage the revision process dependent on needs identified through a recent global scoping survey. You will work as part of a dynamic Greenhouse ...
NEW RECS Member: We welcome Hitachi Energy
RECS is pleased to welcome Hitachi Energy as a new member. Hitachi Energy introduces itself Hitachi Energy serves customers in the utility, industry, and infrastructure sectors with innovative solutions and ...
NEW RECS Member: We welcome EWE Trading
RECS is pleased to welcome EWE Trading as a new member. EWE Trading introduces itself: [At EWE Trading] [w]e see an increasing demand for Guarantees of Origins in our client ...
NEW RECS Member: We welcome Energy Peace Partners
RECS is pleased to welcome Energy Peace Partners (EPP) as a new member. EPP introduces itself: EPP developed the novel “Peace Renewable Energy Credit” (P-REC), a label for qualifying high-impact ...
NEW RECS Member: We welcome DXT Commodities
RECS is pleased to welcome DXT Commodities as a new member. DXT Commodities introduces itself: DXT helps its global counterparties to reach their environmental goals, be they mandatory or voluntary, ...
Consultation: Green-e Renewable Electricity Standard for International Certification
On July 10, the Centre for Resource Solutions (CRS) opened a second 60-day open stakeholder comment period on a new draft Green-e standard that will provide access to certification for ...