19 November 2013

EU Commission requests more market-based support for renewables

The European Commission recently published a working document titled, “Guidance on the use of renewable energy cooperation mechanisms” as part of a broader publication on “Guidance to Member States on state intervention in electricity markets”.  There is a focus in the document of promoting more Europe-wide support systems and improving cooperation mechanisms.  There was also mention of the need to increase cost-efficiency.

RECS International has always been a strong advocate of Europe-wide regulation and increased cost-efficiency.  Allowing renewables with support to be increasingly market-based will improve the actual efficiency of future renewable installed capacity as well as the cost-efficiency of the electricity delivered to the grid/consumer. RECS International describes this further in their recent position paper.

The commission document outlines a number of areas where market reform can take place and issues, such as balancing, can become more competitive.  There was a focus on creating consistent rules and regulations.

To review the EU Commissions “Guidance on the use of renewable energy cooperation mechanisms” click here

For more information on the strive for an single electricity and gas market click here