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MVM Partner

MVM Partner Energy Trading Ltd (MVM Partner Ltd) is the only electricity wholesale company of the most important Hungarian-owned electricity group, the MVM Group, and the sole electricity supplier of MVM Next Energy Trading Ltd. MVM Partner Ltd. is a major player in the Hungarian energy market due to its dynamic development.

Since its establishment on 5 September 2002, MVM Partner Ltd has been actively trading on both domestic and foreign electricity markets. MVM Partner Ltd, as the largest electricity wholesaler in the Hungarian market, with the largest contracted generation portfolio in Hungary, contributes to the security of supply of the Hungarian electricity system in a number of ways. The company supplies the majority of residential customers entitled to universal service through the universal service providers. By providing ancillary services, the company makes a significant contribution to the stable operation of the Hungarian electricity system and the uninterrupted supply of electricity. It also has the largest balance group in the Hungarian electricity market, comprising large power plants, small power plants, renewable generators, consumers and traders.