11 years ago

Seminar: GO system in Poland

 According to regulations of " small tripack" ( articles 11g- 11l ) Guarantees of Origin have been implemented to the Polish system. It is a completety new, independent system. The important information is that companies under support system can also trade GOs and gain additional benefits from it. GOs are tradable internationally. The instrument is very popular among companies from Western Europe so they are looking forward to start cooperation with Polish partners.
What exactly are GOs? How to trade them? How will the Polish system work ? How to cooperate with other European companies?
We will try to answer all these questions during the specialistic Seminar "Guarantees of Origin system in Poland. Regulations, trade, forecast" that will be held on 14th November in Wroclaw, Poland.

Our target audience is:

  • power plants
  • heating plants
  • wind farms ( both offshore and onshore)
  • hydro power plants
  • solar plants
  • brokers
  • law firms
  • consultancies
  • all those, who find the topic of GOs interesting 

For more information about the programme and registration, either visit the website http://event.westernenergyconsulting.com/goo/en/index.html  or contact Mrs. Justyna Kostka (j.kostka@westernenergyconsulting.com)