9 months ago

REC Market Meeting 2024

On 16&17 April 2024, the 12th edition of the REC Market Meeting took place at the Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam. Preconference sessions were held on 15 April 2023.

The 2024 REC Market Meeting offered a varied programme for veterans as well as those new to renewables markets. This year’s REC Marke Meeting took place in a world where renewable energy markets are under more scrutiny than ever before. We have seen the introduction of new regulations on corporate reporting of energy use, the development and revision of international standards related to energy attribute certificates, and continued high prices for European GOs. These trends result in growing scrutiny on how renewable energy markets function, and the value they bring.

Given the success of previous years, the REC Market Meeting will again run a programme with three parallel streams. Each session will highlight different ways of valuing consumer action and markets in the transition to 100% renewable energy. The streams will collectively cover topics that cater to the interests of more delegates from more countries than ever before.

Track A – Europe in focus

Focusing on key European topics, these sessions covered recent market, legislative, and system developments at both national and European levels.

Track B – Global markets and initiatives

Providing information and insights into renewables markets around the world, these sessions explored key national and international developments in detail.

Track C – EACs in practice

Designed to be particularly informative for those new to renewables markets, these sessions allowed delegates to understand essential aspects of energy attribute certificates and ask the questions to which they needed answers.

collectively cover topics that cater to the interests of more delegates from more countries than ever before.

Over 650 delegates registered for the RMM2024. For more information on the REC Market Meeting, go here.