13 July 2022

Dutch GO Day: registration is now open

On 8 September RECS and CertiQ (the Dutch Issuing Body of GOs) are organizing the second edition of the Dutch GO Day.

The first edition in 2018, in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, was a great success, attended by over 60 delegates, from both inside and outside of the Netherlands, who wanted to learn more about the Dutch GO system and market. Since then, the GO market and its regulatory framework have continued to evolve. At this second edition of the Dutch GO Day we will take stock of the current state of the GO system, but also project into the future.

The following topics will be discussed:

  • The CEN 16325 Standard
  • Sector coupling/conversion
  • Full Disclosure & disclosure periods
  • Public perception of the GO
  • Increased consumer information on the GO: granularity and GHG content
  • The future of the GO system

To register, and to download the preliminary agenda, go to the event link.