08 April 2021

RECS International features in Montel Energy Transition Weekly magazine on 24/7 matching

In the last week of March, the RECS International Director, Adam White, spoke with Montel, an information provider for the European energy markets, on the matter of 24/7 matching of energy production and consumption.

The concept of 24/7 matching is popular among traders and consumers in renewable energy markets as it offers a promise of more transparency and more dynamism in renewable energy consumption markets.

While the desire to increase the one-on-one matching of production and consumption of energy is understandable, the actual execution of real-time matching may be complex and at least for the next five years hard to obtain with the current technical systems in place.

Developing 24/7 matching initiatives requires a careful, step-by-step approach and care must be taken that the robust GO system, built over 20 years of market experience, is not undermined.

You can download the full edition of Montel‘s Energy Weekly here:

Energy Transition Weekly 4 edition