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Hungarian Power Exchange (HUPX)

HUPX Ltd. is the operator of the organized Hungarian spot power market with leading position in Central and Eastern Europe. HUPX is licenced as a NEMO (Nominated Electricity Market Operator) by the National Regulatory Authority of Hungary (MEKH). The core activity of HUPX – providing reference price and trading platform – is effectively contributing to the development of the Hungarian electricity market. HUPX provides high quality exchange services for the power markets in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner. HUPX is dedicated to grant its members with secure trading platforms and excellent customer services to make trading easy and safe on a constantly moving market.

Besides operating the electricity spot markets, the Hungarian Power Exchange has an additional mandate since 2022: HUPX is the operator of the Hungarian guarantees of origin market.

The HUPX GO market was launched as a local market in June 2022 – involving GOs related to Hungarian Feed-in-Tariff production for sale – and in September it grew into a pan-European organized GO market. This platform concentrates liquidity via auctions and at the same time provides the well-known standards of the organized power markets: transparency, anonymity, reference prices, clearing and settlement, guaranteed delivery. As of January 2023 the liquidity stabilized with more than 30 members.

The organized GO market of HUPX, which allows trading of GOs from any AIB country offers the following characteristics:

  • 5 Order attributes: Preference handling via technology, production month, commission date, country and support type
  • Available technologies: Biogas, Biomass, Geothermal, Hydro, Landfill gas, Solar, Waste, Wind and any other EECS compliant technology
  • Available countries: Hungary and other AIB countries
  • Seller side: Hungarian and other European power plants and GO traders besides MAVIR, the Hungarian Transmission System Operator
  • Clearing and settlement: Via HUPX technical GO account and HUPX bank account
  • Guarantee system: Guaranteed delivery via collaterals for buyers and sellers
  • Auction frequency: Monthly auctions
  • Pricing mechanism: Single clearing price set by last winning buy Order

Learn more about the HUPX GO Market: About the GO market – HUPX